
Phecda Gamma Thor (ガンマ星フェクダのトール, Ganma-sei Fekuda no Tōru) is one of God Warriors of Asgard. Thor wears the Phecda Gamma Robe and represents the Gamma Star of the Ursa Major Constellation.


First meet

Thor meeting Hilda for the first time.

Owner of a kind heart, the giant Thor shared his food with poor families in Asgard. One day, he hunted in the castle grounds and was attacked by castle guards who wounded him in the arm. Suddenly Polaris Hilda appears, asking her subordinates to stop attacking. Thor sits down, proclaiming she could do as she pleased to him, uncaring of what happens. Noting his willingness to hunt and feed the poor, Hilda heals Thor's wound, who was impressed with the gentle Cosmo from the ruler of Asgard. Everything changed when Poseidon puts on Hilda the Nibelungen Ring, changing her Cosmo into one of malice.

Thor is the first God Warrior that Seiya and his friends face in Asgard. During the battle, Thor uses his twin hammers 'Mjolnir' to attack Cygnus Hyōga and Andromeda Shun. So begins a fierce fight with Thor surprising Seiya with his power, and the persistence of Pegasus Seiya, who withstood his signature attack, Titanic Hercules. There comes a point where Seiya almost dies and is saved by Dragon Shiryū.

Thor death

Thor lying dead in the snow.

After that, Seiya manages to suplex Thor into the ground, burying him in ice. After re-emerging from the ice, Thor's hatred increases his Cosmo to a colossal height, and then he attacks Seiya with a different variant of Titanic Hercules, perplexing the Pegasus Saint and badly injuring him. Near the end of the fight, Thor and Seiya meet with one more attack, in which Seiya tears a hole through Thor's torso, killing him soon after. Before falling, Thor remembers how Hilda once had a Cosmo of vast kindness, and concludes that Seiya and his friends will be able to return her to her old self.


Titanic Hercules (タイタニック・ハーキュリーズ, Taitanikku Hākyurīzu): Thor focuses his Cosmo in his fist and then rushes at his opponent, firing a capsule of powerful purple energy. After his Cosmo increases, he uses a different version of this attack where he charges his fist and then fires many purple lightning bolts.

Mjolnir Hammer: Thor has two hammers named Mjolnir, which he uses once in a failed attempt to harm Athena, and then again to attack Hyoga and Shun simultaneously.



  • Thor's character is based on the famous thunder god of Norse Mythology. A son of the chief god Odin and the Earth, Thor was a beloved god for the Norse people and the chief defender of Asgard. He is known for possessing, among other fantastic armaments, a hammer called Mjolnir, which could return to the wielder when thrown, and which was powerful enough to destroy the giants (jotun), the archenemies of the gods.
  • Thor's God Robe is based on Jörmungandr, an enormous sea serpent which surrounded the entire human world, imprisoned there by Odin. A child of the trickster god Loki, Jörmungandr was the archenemy of Thor, and the two are destined to kill one another during the Nordic apocalypse, Ragnarok.
  • Thor is easily one of the tallest characters in the series alongside Docrates, an anime-only Saint.
  • Thor's twin weapons are referred to as "Mjolnir", a legendary hammer in Norse mythology, despite them both clearly being battle axes.