
The Lotus Cloth is the Cloth that Agora wears in Saint Seiya.


The Lotus Cloth is a Silver cloth patterned after a lotus flower (an aquatic plant that is very similar to the water lily) based on the former constellation Lilium, the lily. The Lilium constellation was named in 1679 by Augustin Royer in honor of King Louis XIV, until it was decided that the stars of Lilium were actually part of the constellation Aries.



  • Lotus Cloth is an anime-exclusive Cloth.
  • The Cloth presents two armguards shaped like the head of two canids, even though the Cloth represents a lotus. It is unknown the reason why the Cloth has these.
  • Aghora and Shiva never mentioned their rank and the rank of their respective Cloth. According to Jump Gold Selection 2, published during the Asgard arc run, classifies Aghora, Shiva and their Cloths as Silver Cloths. However, the DVD Box 3's leaflet (Andromeda), published in 2004, established the discontinuity about these two Silver Saints ranks, and therefore, also the ranks of their Cloths, even though later, in the leaflet of the series' Blu-ray Box issued in 2014, Agora and Shiva are re-established as Silver Saints.