
Fukuryu (伏龙 - Fukuryū) is the twin brother of Black Dragon, a blind character and exclusive in the manga / graphic novel written and illustrated by Masami Kurumada. He also wears a Black Dragon cloth.


While the enconter of Dragon Shiryū Vs. Black Dragon Shinadekuro inside the Mt. Fuji caves, Fukuryu acts as a hidden shadow aiding his brother to locate his target while Shinadekuro was blended in the darkness. Because his blindness, Fukuryū's sense of hearing was fortified. But he dies quickly by one blow at the fisrst instance Dragon Shiryū noticed him.    

Anime Version

On episode #13 Black Dragon Fukuryū was removed from the storyline and the events of that fight were moved to a snowfield on the "Phantom's Hill" (a fictional place setted by the writers).

Side Stories: "Nebula Chain: Chain of Brothers"

Under Takao Koyama's script, in the Jump Gold No 1, Side Story #1 Fukuryu along with his twin brother and comrades put into real difficulties Andromeda Shun.

